Environmental Policy
That’s a Wrap Sales Ltd are committed to protecting the environment, the health and safety of our employees and the community in which we conduct our business. It is our policy to seek continual improvement throughout our business operations to lessen our carbon footprint by conserving energy, water and other natural resources, reducing waste generation and our use of toxic materials. We reuse cardboard boxes from deliveries and have switched our packaging to more environmentally friendly and recyclable alternatives.
We’re proud of the environmentally friendly products we’ve been able to begin stocking and plan to increase this as the filmmaking industry increasingly prioritises sustainability. We will favour suppliers who strive to improve their environmental performance, provide environmentally preferable products and who can document the supply chain impacts of their efforts.
Wherever possible, purchasing decisions will favour products that:
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
- Are made with renewable energy.
- Reduce pollution from all discharges (releases to air, water, and land).
- Reduce the use of toxic materials hazardous to the environment, employees and public health.
- Contain the highest possible percentage of post-consumer recycled content.
- Reduce packaging and other waste.
- Are energy efficient.
- Conserve water.
- Are reusable and/or durable.
- Minimize transportation (local sources, concentrated products).
- Serve several functions (examples: copiers/printers, multipurpose cleaners) to reduce the number of products purchased.
Environmentally preferable purchasing is part of our long term commitment to the environment. By sending a clear signal to producers and suppliers about this commitment, we hope to support wider adoption of environmentally preferable products and practices.
This policy applies to all aspects of operations at That's a Wrap Ltd. This includes our procurement practices, shipping and packaging, product selection, energy use, waste management and engagement with staff, customers, suppliers and the community.
It is That’s a Wraps policy that we revisit our environmental commitments every 6 months to keep up with environmental developments.
You can find help and advice on all aspects of recycling and reuse at home, on the go, in school and in the workplace right here.